MGS softball coach Elaine Chua wants to instill lifelong values

On the field, softball coach Elaine Chua is a commanding presence, often heard shouting instructions to her players during games. Describing herself as a “coach, mentor, and nanny,” the 44-year-old has led Methodist Girls’ School (MGS) to multiple championships. This season, she guided the B Division team to victory and recently helped the C Division team secure second place against Nanyang Girls’ High School.


Chua’s success with MGS dates back to 2005. Under her guidance, the C Division team won championships in 2010, 2013, 2016, 2022, and 2023, while the B Division claimed titles in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023, and 2024. Besides MGS, she coaches at MGS Primary, Maris Stella High School (Primary), and Anglo-Chinese Junior College in the A Division.

Elaine Chua Coaching Journey

Reflecting on her coaching journey, Elaine Chua told The Straits Times: “I’ve been coaching since 2003, learning various styles along the way. The key is to be firm but also know when to joke with the girls. They sometimes confide in me like a friend.” She added that many former students still stay in touch, meeting up for meals or reaching out after years.

One such student is Jolyn Ho, a former MGS softball captain who still regularly meets Chua, even after graduating over 12 years ago. Now a dentist, Ho, 28, shared: “Coach Elaine’s influence extended far beyond the game. She encouraged us to reflect on our experiences as a team and instilled values of perseverance, teamwork, and resilience that remain with us.”

Recalling her connection with Ho, Chua said: “We started with a typical coach-player relationship, focused on team matters since she was the captain. But after she graduated, we began hanging out and talking about more than just softball. We’ve grown into friends who respect each other, but there’s always that coach-player dynamic – she still gets nervous when I call her name.”


Chua’s aim is to instill MGS’s values of “godliness, excellence, and love” in her players, hoping these lessons endure even after they graduate. Additionally, she emphasizes resilience and respect as crucial traits.

Achievement and Coaching Legacies

A particularly memorable moment in her career came during the 2013 C Division final. Her team was trailing 17-0 against Tanjong Katong Girls’ School, and despite her efforts to calm them during a timeout, the girls seemed mentally defeated. However, after a pep talk, the team rallied and ultimately won 20-19. “That game was intense and exhausting, but it taught me resilience and better preparation for future challenges. I always tell my girls, ‘If you’re going to cry, let it be tears of joy,’” Chua shared.

In addition to coaching every day of the week, Chua works as a clinic assistant for a chiropractor on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. To handle the demands of her job, she stresses the importance of balance. “My passion for the sport keeps me going,” she said. “Sometimes I play softball with friends, but I also believe in exploring other activities to avoid burnout.”


1. Who is Elaine Chua?

Elaine Chua is the softball coach at Methodist Girls’ School (MGS) in Singapore. With over 20 years of coaching experience, she describes herself as a “coach, mentor, and nanny” to her players.

2. What are some of Elaine Chua's achievements as a coach?

Elaine Chua has led MGS to multiple championships, including victories in both the B and C Divisions. Her teams have won several titles, including B Division championships in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023, and 2024, as well as C Division titles in 2010, 2013, 2016, 2022, and 2023.

3. How does Coach Chua describe her coaching style?

Elaine Chua balances being strict with knowing when to connect with her players on a more personal level. She believes in maintaining a firm but caring approach, encouraging her players to share their troubles and celebrating their growth beyond just the sport.

4. What is one memorable moment from Elaine Chua’s coaching career?

A standout moment for Coach Chua was the 2013 C Division final, where her team trailed 17-0. After rallying her players, they made a remarkable comeback to win 20-19, teaching Chua and her team the power of resilience and perseverance.

5. What is Coach Chua’s ultimate goal for her players?

Coach Chua hopes to instill lifelong values that her players can carry with them beyond their time on the field, helping them grow into well-rounded individuals with strong character and resilience.


Elaine Chua is much more than a softball coach at Methodist Girls’ School. Her roles as a mentor, and even a nurturing figure, extend beyond the game, allowing her to leave a lasting impact on her players’ lives. Through her dedication, she instills values like perseverance, teamwork, resilience, and respect—principles that her athletes carry with them long after they leave the field. As she continues to shape the next generation, Coach Chua’s influence proves that sports can be a powerful vehicle for lifelong growth, character building, and meaningful relationships.

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